bout my holy-short-day

Hello bloggie :) i have a little story bout my holy-short-day-_- yap my holiday is full of task! fufufu. there's no time to rest in one day full! everyday i've to go to somewhere for doing group's task or meeting -_- okay let me in bahasa. sumveh lo mesti tau cape weyyyy! gue pengen gitu seharian aja dirumah sambil nonton dvd behhh, enak kali ye kerjaan gue cuma guling-gulingan wohoooo-_- oh gawd, where's my vacation?! i wanna go somewhere and enjoying my life ck. and guess what?! diliburan ini gue lagi dapet fyuhh surganyaaaa. kenapa dibilang surga? karena gue kalo liburan suka lupa solat jadilah mending gue dapet aja gitu-_- tapi gaenaknya, gue suka kesel sendiri kalo misalkan kerja kelompok gajelas, ya taulah orang pms tuh kayak apa sehhhh ck. ya sabar-sabar aja sih ya kalo lo kena marah sama gue hahahaha

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