National Examination

Hello bloggie woggieeee :3 Today is the last day of School! yeah, and start from tomorrow i'll STUDY at HOME! yap, so many homework are waiting for me uyehhhh. i hate it damn much! oh my DEAREST teacher, can't you be kinder than usually? i wanna have my holiday PURE without your task huhuhu. it makes me sad and confused. and you guess, since this week my bf always beside me when i need him. and he always make me happy when i'm bout to cry. he's really really kind! how lucky i am cause i have him. and you know what, when i need a shoulder to cry, friend to share or person to accompany me, he always here. ya maybe not everytime, but he always try to make me happy. to delete my tears. oh God, You're so kind! thanks for everything yap :')

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