hell yeah, i just being stupid in everyday. i know all of you just wanna make me happy but........ i always can't trust it -_- and you know what, i'm the winner of category the most "ASIK" in my class! what happened to me? i just can say "thanks" for everybody who has chosen me but i'm still confused about the reason why i can win this category -_- and you know what, now i'm sad because there is someone yep, he is my ex and...... gah, i wanna tell it to someone and get suggestion but.... i don't know where i must to tell. lat time, i have a friend who can give me the suggestions but now? anyone can hear my story? no one! ah, feels like i'm just the one who still alive in this world. uh, i want my old life! i don't want to be grow up :( give me back my childhood, please! i don't wanna be a Woman who has many jobs in every time. i just wanna have fun and always have play time more than my school time! oh God, hear my wish :(

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