What I feel now?

Hell-ow it's thursday and I have some storie about my life, here we go~
Okay in this week I have many exam and remedial everyday hehe. Sorry mom and dad, I can't get the best score :( but I'll try to study hard again for my mid term test, wish me luck ya guys :D and you know what, I jealous, I envy with my best friend (how could you be?) I don't know, but I just envy when I look at them. They laughed and talked about everything together. I envy because I can't do it, but she can, she always can. I know I'm wrong because I envy with my best friend huh. What a stupid girl! If she is my bestie, she'll not "friend-eat-friend" will she? But if you love him and he loves you, why not? I can't do anything again. Can I called it "galau"? but I'm not sure loh ya hehe. Okay, just it

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